State of the Union under Donald Trump Presidency: Problems, Policies and Prospects

Author Details

Komanduri S. Murty, Tenora J. Simonez

Journal Details


Published: 4 February 2019 | Article Type :


On November 8, 2016 President-elect Donald Trump emerged as an unconventional, anti-establishment candidate and Washington outsider. On the campaign trail, he identified four major problems: economy, health care, immigration, and foreign policy under President Obama that he owed to fix if elected. He declared that our economy is choked by NAFTA, TPP, outsourcing and tax hikes. He called Obama care disastrous. He claimed our immigration policy was without borders and illegal immigration is out of control; and, as for our foreign policy, all nations around the world are laughing at us. He promised through his „Contract with America,‟ with a list of 18 policy measures, to turn the issues around in his first 100days and “make America great again.” This paper examines the problems, policies and prospects based on his presidential undertakings in the first month-and-a-half in the White House.

Keywords: State of the Union, Trump Presidency, American Health Care Act, Affordable Care Act, Travel Ban, Executive Orders, protests, Russian connection.

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How to Cite


Komanduri S. Murty, Tenora J. Simonez. (2019-02-04). "State of the Union under Donald Trump Presidency: Problems, Policies and Prospects." *Volume 2*, 1, 14-25